General Info

Only accepting adults (+12) customers.

The service is provided in the concept of bed and breakfast (open buffet). Breakfast is between 8:00-10:30.

Room check-in is between 14:00-15:30, room check-out is between 11:00-12:00.

Breakfast and lunch are in the restaurant area, and dinner is on the pier. If the weather conditions are not suitable, dining at the pier might be cancelled.

For beach use, 1 beach towel is provided for each guest per day. Extra beach towels may be charged.

Seaside seating areas (18 lodges) are available free of charge. Reservations cannot be made in these areas by leaving towels or personal items. All items in the general seating areas are collected outside of the beach towel distribution hours (between 20:00 and 07:30).

Leaving personal items like towels etc on the sunbeds are not allowed. All items will be collected.

The Private lodge areas (5 units)
by the sea, are applicable for a fee.

Please contact the reception for
the reservation of these areas.

Our Rooms

Beyaz Güvercin Selimiye serves its valued guests with a total of 41 rooms in 7 types of room.